Bryce Harper is in tremendous shape, thanks for asking
(Photo via Sheahin/Sousa as special to WJFK)
It's a common offseason and spring training cliche: A player shows up to camp, claiming he's in the Best Shape Of His Life. It's such a prevalent offseason storyline that HardballTalk's Craig Calcaterra has made a yearly habit of compiling BSOHL stories. Cliche as it may be, though, it's clearly the case for Bryce Harper, who's shown up to spring training for the Nationals looking especially buff.
That photo, taken just after Washington's 6-4 loss to Atlanta on Wednesday, shows that Harper took his offseason lifting program quite seriously. But if you zoom in and enhance the photo, you can see the true secret to his newly muscular frame.
As if you needed more proof that Thin Mints and Samoas are the queens of the Girl Scout Cookie kingdom.