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Mr. Met joins Twitter, immediately has to deal with other MLB mascots hitting on Mrs. Met

Mr. Met, whose Klout score is probably already better than yours. (Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)

Mr. Met, whose Klout score is probably already better than yours.

Filling a void you didn't even know existed in your life, the social media world welcomed a new member to its ranks Monday when Mr. Met joined Twitter, giving Mets fans an entirely new online target for their anger and sadness this season.

The Mets' mascot—who was created in 1962 and will probably soon be lecturing Mets employees on building their brand and increasing their social media strategy while innovating solutions for energizing and deepening interaction—sent out his first tweet at 11:00 AM and has been on a relative tear since then. That first tweet, by the way, was ostensibly a joke about his monstrously gigantic, swollen hands and how they fail him at all but the simplest of activities.

Mr. Met then took some questions from the fans and then gave his rationale for joining Twitter, which probably sounded innocuous enough to whichever social media intern is tasked with doing this today, but comes off as borderline horror-film disturbing when you think about it long enough.

So, to recap: Mr. Met has no ears and can't talk, but you should still laugh at his antics and cheer his arrival, even though he lives his life in a prison of no sound or noise.

As of the time of this post, Mr. Met is following only 18 people on Twitter, most of whom are other social media interns who didn't think a graduate degree in journalism was going to lead to this mascots. He's also had to put up with Kansas City's mascot, Sluggerrr (not a typo), trying to steal Mrs. Met away from him.