Watch: David Ortiz, John Farrell ejected in ninth inning vs. Yankees

David Ortiz did not take kindly to his ejection against the Yankees.
Watch: David Ortiz, John Farrell ejected in ninth inning vs. Yankees
Watch: David Ortiz, John Farrell ejected in ninth inning vs. Yankees /

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David Ortiz and John Farrell were ejected from Friday night's game against the Yankees in the ninth inning at Yankee Stadium.

The Red Sox were upset at a questionable 3–1 pitch that was called a strike on Ortiz at the plate with the bases loaded and one out. Farrell came out of the dugout to argue the call and was tossed by the home plate umpire Ron Kulpa.

Ortiz struck out looking on the next pitch and was tossed from the game when he reached the dugout. Farrell was ejected but did not leave the dugout until after the at-bat. Ortiz came out the dugout to argue his ejection with the umpire and needed to be retrained by teammates.

“The 3–1 pitch, I had it coming through the zone,” Kulpa said. “That's why I called it a strike. McCann didn't help me out. He took the ball down a little bit. But the pitch still came through the zone. And the 3–2 pitch, I had it in the zone right down the middle.”

The Yankees ended up winning 3–2 as Andrew Miller struck out Hanley Ramirez to close out the game.

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