Son of ex-MLB player Keith Lockhart on life support after freak baseball injury

Jason Lockhart is on life support after getting hit in the face with a baseball.
Son of ex-MLB player Keith Lockhart on life support after freak baseball injury
Son of ex-MLB player Keith Lockhart on life support after freak baseball injury /

Jason Lockhart, the son of ex-MLB player Keith Lockhart, is on life support after getting hit in the face with a baseball, according to CBS News

Lockhart, 15, broke his nose at a baseball tournament in South Carolina on June 17, according to CBS This Morning. He was running home when the opposing team's catcher tried to throw it to the pitcher to tag him out and instead hit Lockhart in the face with the ball.

Two days later, his nose began to bleed uncontrollably while at a follow-up doctor's visit. On June 20, surgeons stitched a cut inside Jason Lockhart's nose, but the bleeding continued.

Doctors then decided to put him on life support Friday, as even small movements could trigger bleeding, his sister Sydney Lockhart told CBS News. Jason Lockhart then had surgery on Sunday to block the arteries in his nose doctors suspected were the sources of the bleeding.

Sydney Lockhart told CBS News there has been no more bleeding since the surgery. 

Keith Lockhart, a former infielder with the Atlanta Braves, San Diego Padres and Kansas City Royals and a current scout with the Chicago Cubs, took to Twitter to provide updates on his son's progress and to ask for support and prayers.

Keith Lockhart played a total of 10 years in Major League Baseball. 
