Video Shows Giants CEO Larry Baer Pulling Wife to Ground in San Francisco Plaza

San Francisco Giants CEO Larry Baer was captured on video dragging his wife out of a chair and to the ground on Friday morning in a public plaza in San Francisco.
The footage, which is only five seconds long, does not show what led to the physical altercation.
The video shows Baer stepping over his wife, Pam, and reaching for a cell phone in her right hand as she sits in a chair in the plaza. As Baer attempts to grab the phone out of his wife's hand, she can be heard yelling, “Oh my God, no, help!"
In a later clip, Baer can be seen walking away from the altercation while telling his wife, "Stop, Pam, stop," as she continues to repeat "Oh my god, oh my god."
Warning: The video below contains graphic content.
The anonymous bystander who captured the incident on video told TMZ that he helped break up the altercation. Witnesses told TMZ that police were not called to the scene.
"My wife and I had an unfortunate public argument related to a family member and she had an injured foot and she fell off her chair in the course of the argument," Baer told the San Francisco Chronicle's Evan Sernoffsky after the video surfaced Friday. "The matter is resolved. It was a squabble over a cell phone. Obviously it’s embarrassing."
The longtime Giants executive added that he has apologized to his wife and said police were not contacted after the fact.
Baer issued a personal statement later in the day on Friday, per the Chronicle's Henry Schulman.
"I am truly sorry for the pain that I have brought to my wife, children and to the organization. It is not reflective of the kind of a person that I aspire to be, but it happened and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that I never behave in such an inappropriate manner again."
According to ESPN's Jeff Passan, Major League Baseball is looking into the incident between Baer and his wife. The league's domestic violence policy does apply to front-office members, which could lead to discipline for Baer. The video provides concrete evidence, and, without nearly as much, the MLB has levied significant suspensions on players, per Passan.
Baer joined the Giants organization in 1992 as San Francisco's executive vice president, according to the team's website. He was named chief operating officer in 1996, team president in 2008 and succeeded Bill Neukom as CEO on Jan. 1, 2012.
Baer and his wife have four children together.