MLB and NBA Reports Hope for Sports: Unchecked
Update: Major League Baseball has issued a statement regarding the report of an Arizona start in May.
I’m not afraid to say it, I’m rooting for sports to return. I just want something to hope for.
And we got our best glimmers of said hope with the news that Major League Baseball may be looking to return in May with all games being played in Arizona with no one in the stands, along with a report that rapid testing devices could be key to the NBA resuming its season. Of course the NBA had previously discussed the idea of holding the remainder of play in Las Vegas.
Now all of this must come with a GIANT DISCLAIMER. Public safety should not be jeopardized, nor should the safety of the player’s and participants. And any testing available to the leagues must also be readily available to regular people in need.
However, If those criteria are met then I’ll take baseball and basketball in quarantine. Heck, WrestleMania taking place over the weekend was a welcome distraction for me. And while my needs are not important right now there is something to be said for the morale boost sports could provide.
Honestly, I don’t know how feasible all that is and neither do you. So I’ll defer to medical professionals. And maybe my profession is what’s causing this professing but eventually we will need to persevere. So if we all continue to do our part and stay away from each other, perhaps there’s a chance sports won’t be gone for as long as we thought.
Fans or not, I consider that something to cheer.