A's Unveil New Signage Around Coliseum to Replace "Rooted in Oakland"

In a rare win for the team these days, the A's got the new signs around the Coliseum right
A's Unveil New Signage Around Coliseum to Replace "Rooted in Oakland"
A's Unveil New Signage Around Coliseum to Replace "Rooted in Oakland" /

After the "Rooted in Oakland" signs around the Coliseum came down earlier this week, Casey Pratt of ABC 7 said that they would be replaced in the coming days. On Wednesday, A's president Dave Kaval unveiled the new signs himself.

In these pictures you can see Dallas Braden after recording the final out of his perfect game, a number of walk-off celebrations from recent seasons, World Series celebrations from the 70's, Scott Hatteberg returning home after launching the home run to capture the team's 20th consecutive victory, and of course, Oakland's own Rickey Henderson. 

The "Rooted in Oakland" slogan meant a lot to the fans, especially because the Raiders and Warriors had just left town when it started being used. The A's were at least attempting to make the fans believe they'd stay, and the fans wanted to believe them. Now the rooted slogan rings hollow with the team's proposed move to Las Vegas. 

Taking down the "Rooted in Oakland" signage was the right call given the team's intentions to leave, but it was still jarring to see that slogan that so many had held onto just disappear. 

The pictures that are replacing that signage is a nice touch, however. With so many missteps along the way in this relocation process, it feels weird to say that the A's actually got something right. 

While the A's and the city of Oakland discuss a potential lease extension for the 2025-27 seasons to give the club a place to play while their ballpark in Vegas is built, as of right now, this is the only assured season of A's baseball left at the Coliseum. If the two sides are unable to come to an agreement that would keep the team in Oakland through 2027, then seeing these memories plastered around the park is a nice touch. 

Obviously the fans are upset about the team potentially leaving town, but it's that generational connection that a lot of fans are going to miss. Swarms of fans have those connections with their parents, kids, or friends. For those in attendance this season, potentially the team's last in Oakland, these memories can be shared once again. 

Jason Burke

Jason has been covering the A’s at various sites for over a decade, and was the original host of the Locked on A’s podcast. He also covers the Stanford Cardinal as they attempt to rebuild numerous programs to prominence.