Athletics Get Good MRI News on Piscotty's Knee; He Should Play Soon
Oakland right fielder Stephen Piscotty says the results of an MRI on his right knee showed “nothing seriously wrong.”
That’s good news for the A’s, who can expect to see Piscotty back in the lineup next week, if not this weekend in a three-game series against the San Francisco Giants at the Coliseum.
“There’s just some inflammation on the patella tendon in the front,” Piscotty said Wednesday morning. “I’ve just got to let it calm down a little and then get back to it.”
Piscotty had just gotten back into the lineup after having a cortisone injection on his wrist when a leaping pursuit of a fly ball at the wall in the first game of Saturday’s doubleheader had an unexpected result.
“I felt a little, little pop when I jumped, and that made me nervous, but its great news from the MRI.”
Piscotty, who said the knee “felt really good today,” said he’s sure he’ll be back in the lineup before too much longer.
“I’ll get with the trainers and figure out when, but I’m hoping to be back in less than a week, so there should be plenty of games left.”
There are 10 games left on the A’s regular season schedule after the Wednesday series finale in Colorado – three games at home against the Giants this weekend, three games against the Dodgers in Los Angeles next Tuesday-through-Thursday and a four-game set the weekend of Sept. 25-27, with a doubleheader on the 26th.
Follow Athletics insider John Hickey on Twitter: @JHickey3
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