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Gavin Lux's non-contact injury in Spring Training was an insane blow to the Dodgers before the official season even kicked off. Seeing the way his knee twisted and reports that he heard a popping noise immediately after, fans were speculating that it was a serious knee injury.

Those speculations came true as MRI's following the game showed that Lux indeed suffered a torn ACL and likely a sprain to his LCL. Lux was in tears addressing the media after finding out that his season was over before it had even started, but thanked team manager Dave Roberts for being by his side through it all.

The good news is, we received some positive news from Roberts (reported by Fabian Ardaya of The Athletic) that Lux's surgery was successful. However, it actually was also a little worse than originally thought.

The bright side in all of this is that Lux is still just 25 years old and possesses the capabilities to bounce back from this injury. Being a shortstop, he heavily relies on his athleticism and lateral quickness so it will be important that he kills his rehab and hopefully returns even stronger.

Lux has clocked in four seasons for LA and has had an up-and-down career with them. With the departures of Corey Seager and Trea Turner, there was a hole in the shortstop position that he was looking to fill — but now Miguel Rojas and Chris Taylor will be taking over.