Freddie Freeman's Son Charlie Has Chosen a New Walk Up Song for Dodgers All-Star

Dodgers star Freddie Freeman let his son Charlie choose his walkup music again, and Charlie chose a risqué Bad Bunny song.

Dodgers first baseman Freddie Freeman keeps letting his son Charlie pick his walkup music, and Charlie keeps showing a penchant for Latin music. In 2021, Charlie picked "Ni Bien Ni Mal" by Puerto Rican star Bad Bunny for Freddie's last season with the Braves. Last year, Charlie went with "Baila Conmigo" by Colombian DJ Dayvi for his dad.

Charlie's up to his old tricks again for 2023, and he's going back to Bad Bunny, as Freddie revealed at Dodgers FanFest on Saturday.

“Charlie wants to go ‘Tití Me Preguntó.’ I looked up the lyrics, the English version, and I’m like, I don’t know if I can really do that.

“He has no idea what the words mean. He likes to dance to the song. We had it playing on the way up here. There’s a clean version, so I think I can pull it off. ...

“I showed my wife the lyrics and she wasn’t too thrilled. But I think that’s what we’re going to go with. He wants to do that, so I think we’re going to go with it.”

"Tití Me Preguntó" is a song about the singer's aunt asking him how many girlfriends he has, and the answer is a number higher than you might expect from family man Freddie Freeman. Of course, Freeman's previous Bad Bunny number was about a guy who has to constantly smoke a bunch of pot to forget about his ex, so last year's song about two people making out on the beach was pretty tame in comparison.

As Freddie says, the song's in a different language and the beat is good, so it makes sense that Charlie would like it. Dodgers rookie Miguel Vargas used "Tití Me Preguntó" last year, so it's not clear whether they'll be doubling up or not.

Jeff J. Snider

Jeff was born into a Dodgers family in Southern California and is now raising a Dodgers family of his own in Utah. He's been blogging about baseball and the Dodgers since 2004 and doing it professionally since 2015. Favorite Player: Clayton Kershaw Favorite Moment: Kirk Gibson's homer will always have a place, but Kershaw's homer on Opening Day 2013 might be the winner.