MLB News: Umpires To Wear Microphones During On-Field Reviews

MLB umpires will have some explaining to do. Literally.
MLB News: Umpires To Wear Microphones During On-Field Reviews
MLB News: Umpires To Wear Microphones During On-Field Reviews /

Major League Baseball is doing what it can to maintain interest in baseball. That includes rule changes, which have not been well received by some dire-hard seamheads. Overall, the mission is to recruit new fans while still keeping the current face base engaged.

Thus far, baseball's in-game review process hasn't exactly won an Oscar. Since the rule's inception, it has resulted in long pauses in play and awkward silences. On the plus side, it's provided the respective broadcast team with additional creative runway. 

To address the awkward pauses, MLB will be stealing a move from NFL and the NBA. Per ESPN's Jesse Rogers, the crew chief will announce to the press box who is making the challenge, what the challenge is, and the resulting call following the review.

In theory, this should help the overall entertainment product since at times, it's hard to know what's being challenged and which team initiated the challenge. This should resolve that issue. 

Previously, managers signaled from the dugout for a challenge. Cameras didn't always catch which skipper requested the review. Diehards might not be enamored with the changes, but it should help draw in the more casual fans. 
