Video: The Myth of Abner Doubleday

Video: The Myth of Abner Doubleday
Video: The Myth of Abner Doubleday
Video: The Myth of Abner Doubleday /

SI's Tom Wilson and Eric Nusbaum, author of "author of "Stealing Home: Los Angeles, the Dodgers, and the Lives Caught in Between," discuss the myth that Abner Doubleday invented baseball. 

Please see Tom and Eric's earlier discussion about the new book here.

And remember, glove conquers all.

Howard Cole has been writing about baseball on the internet since Y2K. Follow him on Twitter.

Photo: Doubleday Field, Cooperstown, NY. By Nicholas Henderson, Flickr/Creative Commons

Howard Cole

Howard Cole is a news and sports journalist in Los Angeles. Credits include Sports Illustrated, Forbes, Rolling Stone, LAT, OCR, Guardian, LA Weekly, Westways, VOSD, Prevention, Bakersfield Californian and Jewish Journal. Founding Director, IBWAA.