Keith Hernandez Flubs Simple Addition, Leaves Mets Broadcasting Booth in Hysterics

Hernandez's attempt at doing simple math left the New York Mets broadcast team laughing.
Hernandez's attempt at doing simple math left the New York Mets broadcast team laughing. / Wendell Cruz-USA TODAY Sports

If you take a trip over to former first baseman Keith Hernandez's Baseball Reference page, you'll find a litany of National League-leading numbers—a .344 batting average in 1979, a .408 on-base percentage in 1980, 94 walks in 1986.

Just please—for the love of God—do not ask the man himself to add or subtract them.

Hernandez's hilariously bad attempt at doing simple math Saturday left the New York Mets' broadcast booth laughing during their game against the Arizona Diamondbacks. As SNY returned from a commercial break in the bottom of the first, the network showed a man in Hernandez's No. 17 jersey and a man in Hall of Fame catcher Gary Carter's No. 8 jersey.

"Carter and Hernandez, two guys who had C's on their chest," play-by-play announcer Gary Cohen noted.

"That's right. That adds up to 15, doesn't it?" Hernandez asked.

"What?" his co-announcers asked.

"17 and 8," Hernandez replied.

"That's 25," Cohen told him as all three announcers busted up laughing.

Unless you're somebody like Moe Berg, there's a reason baseball players are baseball players and mathematicians are mathematicians.

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Patrick Andres


Patrick Andres has been a Staff Writer on the Breaking & Trending News Team at Sports Illustrated since 2022. Before SI, his work appeared in The Blade, Athlon Sports, Fear the Sword, and Diamond Digest. Patrick has covered everything from zero-attendance Big Ten basketball to a seven-overtime college football game. He is a graduate of Northwestern University.