Mets Roasted After Running Into the Most Embarrassing Double Play of MLB Season

The New York Mets looked foolish on this play against the Cleveland Guardians.
The New York Mets looked foolish on this play against the Cleveland Guardians. /

The New York Mets have been known over the years to do some pretty foolish things that end up with baseball fans laughing at them all over social media.

Well, that happened again Monday night in Cleveland when they ran into one of the most mind-boggling double plays you'll over see at the major league level.

Starling Marte's grounder back to the pitcher led to J.D. Martinez getting tagged out in a rundown between second and third. Marte then got thrown out at first after seemingly trying to advance to second. All he had to do was stay at first and this double play would have easily been avoided.

This made no sense:

Fans roasted the Mets:

Andy Nesbitt


Andy Nesbitt is the Assistant Managing Editor of Audience Engagement at Sports Illustrated. He works closely with the Breaking & Trending News Team to shape SI’s daily coverage across all sports. He has been working in sports media for over 20 years, appearing on Fox Sports, For the Win, The Boston Globe, and NBC Sports. He’s a golf fanatic who desperately wants to see the Super Bowl played on a Saturday night.