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Dylan vs. Luis: Let's put it this way, we're happy they're on the same team

Two ascendant superstars face off on the diamond, team up for the media

Dylan Cease threw live batting practice against a number of White Sox hitters on Monday, among them ... former teammate and uber-outfielder Luis Robert. Manager Ricky Renteria delighted in the matchup.

"That's what you see when you have two pretty big talents," he said, noting that both players had some good moments against the other.

As for Cease, he endorsed Robert as the real deal in his media session today: "The biggest thing is just how big he is. On Twitter someone had tweeted an Under Armour mannequin, and it's actually pretty accurate. That's what he looks like."

As for their battle today, "he squared me up pretty good on one of them today. He looks like he's going to be a very talented player."

Cease and fellow young star Eloy Jiménez have both been through some paces at the top level in 2019, Eloy for a full season and Dylan for 14 starts. And it's the experience those two can impart that will help heralded rookie Robert through his rookie campaign.

"Eloy and I talk about all the possibilities as a rookie: never put my head down, it's a long season," Robert said. "I need to keep working hard and stay confident in myself."

Robert also pointed out a hidden advantage of this delayed season, as he's able to acclimate to Sox Park in a way he wouldn't have in a normal year.

"I saw the park when I signed and felt the atmosphere of a game," he said. "But I have a month to train here, and that's an advantage I wouldn't have gotten that in another situation."

Here's Dylan's full media session, courtesy of the White Sox:

And Robert's session, with translator Billy Russo, again courtesy of the White Sox: