Cheerleader of the Week

1. I love UNC, but I almost went to: Nowhere else. I grew up a Tar Heel so I don't know what I would have done if I didn't get into Carolina. 2. My favorite
Cheerleader of the Week
Cheerleader of the Week /

1. I love UNC, but I almost went to: Nowhere else. I grew up a Tar Heel so I don't know what I would have done if I didn't get into Carolina.

2. My favorite class is: Anything psychology related.

3. Movies I can't live without:A Mighty Wind, V For Vendetta, A Fish Called Wanda, Superbad and just about every Disney movie.

4. Music I can't live without: I really like all kinds of music. I listen to a lot of T.I., Tupac, James Blunt, Sara Bareilles, showtunes, and Dashboard Confessional.

5. TV shows I can't live without:Family Guy, Arrested Development, Monk, House, and the Biggest Loser.

6. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you during a game? One year at the North Carolina-North Carolina State basketball game I was standing on the court cheering when a N.C. State fan stood up, pointed directly at me and shouted "YOU'RE UGLY!"

7. My favorite sport is: Football and basketball.

8. My favorite professional sports teams are: The Panthers and the Chargers.

9. My one guilty pleasure is: Chocolate! I eat something chocolate almost everyday.

10. My best physical feature: I used to get picked on a lot because my ears stick out a little but I like them; they make me unique.

11. Strange and unusual fact about me: I love eating breakfast foods for dinner.

12. My friends would be surprised to know that I: Love doing jigsaw puzzles.

13. Favorite foods: Desserts of all kinds, Thai, sushi, and pizza.

14. Five people I'd like to have dinner with (living or dead): Paul Wellstone, Tina Fey, Dean Smith, Bas Rutten and Oscar Wilde

15. Three people who annoy me: David Hasselhoff, Roseanne Barr and Mandy Moore.

16. Next risk I want To take: I really want to learn how to snowboard.

17. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?The Finer Things by Steve Winwood.

18. What reality show would you do best on and why? The Amazing Race because I would love to travel around the world and I am good at solving problems.

19. If I won the lottery, the first thing I'd buy is: A family vacation to Fiji.

20. Describe the worst date you ever went on: Fortunately, I have not been on any really bad dates.


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