Matadors (Related Stories)

Matador stories in the SI Vault
Artistry In A Bullring Is Not Enough By Paul Evan Ress, August 10, 1964Technically the most accomplished of matadors, graceful Paco Camino faces a new kind of rival: inelegant but brave El Cordobos, who lacks art but is making history.
No Blood, Some Tears, A Sweat Of MoneyBy Liz Smith, March 07, 1966 In their new pop art form, the Brothers Feld have yet to harm a bull. Aficionados may mourn, but both Texans and 'toreros' think that La Corrida Americana is as much fun as striking oil.
Trials Of A Yanqui Matador By Tex Maule, July 29, 1968Philadelphia-born John Fulton, the son of Italian-Hungarian parents, has combined the fruition of his dream to be a matador and his work as an artist to live in Spain -- a country he loves and where he is accepted as a native.
On Offering The Bull His Body By John McCormick, June 14, 1971A rivalry between the world's top matadors was building, a duel of skills that promised the best toreo in decades, but then Antonio Ordonez was caught by a bull while making a too-brave show.
A New Light On Suits Of LightsBy Steve Englund, April 01, 1974 Defying tradition, an American matador and his Spanish tailor are modifying the classic costume.
A Woman's Place By Gary Smith, March 09, 1992Novice bullfighter Cristina S?nchez intends to show Spain's male matadors that the bullring is not their exclusive domain.
A Sport That A Bull Could Get Stuck On By Kelli Anderson, December 14, 1992At fights in California, Velcro pads and Velcro-tipped banderillas ensure that no bull's blood is spilled.