Marriott rep allegedly played Erin Andrews hotel video for friends

A Vanderbilt Marriott ownership representative who testified during Erin Andrews’s lawsuit against the hotel denied claims he played Andrews’s nude video for his friends at a Tuesday dinner, reports WSMV in Nashville.
Neal Peskind was accused of showing the video to friends at a Nashville restaurant on Tuesday. In a statement by Marriott’s defense, Peskind admits the video was shown at the dinner but not by him, and he asked his friends to stop playing the video, which shows Andrews changing in her hotel room.
“[T]he friends brought the video up on their phone, to which [Peskind] objected and immediately asked them to stop. The video was then turned off,” according to the defense’s statement.
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A bartender from the restaurant told WSMV it was Peskind who showed his friends the video.
“He said it was costing him millions so he was going to show it to everyone. His friends were making fun of her and her body,” the bartender wrote on Twitter, according to WSMV. “We had to ask him to stop. It was disgusting and horrifying.”
Peskind testified Monday in Andrews’s civil lawsuit, saying his ownership group should not be liable for giving out Andrews’s room number. Andrews is suing the Nashville Marriott for $75 million, claiming the hotel showed negligence in allowing her stalker, Michael David Barrett, stay in the room next to her.
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Barrett filmed Andrews through the peephole on her door, and posted the video of her changing online. He was arrested in 2009 and served 30 months in federal prison.