Major Sports Leagues React To Supreme Court Decision on Sports Betting

Monday's landmark ruling by the Supreme Court overturning the federal ban on sports betting, sent waves throughout the sports world.
The Supreme Court said that states, such as New Jersey, now can go forward to legalize gambling in their respective states.
The major sports leagues in North America each had different reactions to the ruling.
Here is how each league responded:
"The NFL's long-standing and unwavering commitment to protecting the integrity of our game remains absolute," the league said in a statement. "Congress has long-recognized the potential harms posed by sports betting to the integrity of sporting contests and the public confidence in these events. Given that history, we intend to call on Congress again, this time to enact a core regulatory framework for legalized sports betting. We also will work closely with our clubs to ensure that any state efforts that move forward in the meantime protect our fans and the integrity of our game."
"The Supreme Court’s decision today reaffirms our decision to collaborate with the other sports unions on the issues of player safety, integrity of our games and privacy and publicity rights. Our union will monitor developments closely and address the implications of this decision with the NFL, state legislators and other relevant stakeholders."
“Today’s decision by the Supreme Court opens the door for states to pass laws legalizing sports betting," NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement. "We remain in favor of a federal framework that would provide a uniform approach to sports gambling in states that choose to permit it, but we will remain active in ongoing discussions with state legislatures. Regardless of the particulars of any future sports betting law, the integrity of our game remains our highest priority.”
"Today's decision by the United States Supreme Court will have profound effects on Major League Baseball. As each state considers whether to allow sports betting, we will continue to seek the proper protections for our sport, in partnership with other professional sports. Our most important priority is protecting the integrity of our games. We will continue to support legislation that creates air-tight coordination and partnerships between the state, the casino operators and the governing bodies in sports toward that goal," Tony Clark, executive director of the Major League Baseball Players Association, said.
“The Supreme Court’s decision today paves the way to an entirely different landscape – one in which we have not previously operated. We will review our current practices and policies and decide whether adjustments are needed, and if so, what those adjustments will look like. It’s important to emphasize that the Supreme Court’s decision has no immediate impact on existing League rules relating to sports wagering, and particularly, wagering involving NHL games. So, while changes may be considered in the future, today’s decision does not directly impact the operation of the League or any of our Clubs in the short term.”
"The Supreme Court's decision today may well pave the way for increased, widespread, legalized gambling on sports throughout the United States. While this has the potential to have a positive impact upon sports, fans, and players, it is very important that players' rights are protected in any new legislative schemes, including rights of privacy and publicity. We look forward, along with the other players' associations, to being a vital part of that discussion."
"Today the United States Supreme Court issued a clear decision that PASPA is unconstitutional, reversing the lower courts that held otherwise. While we are still reviewing the decision to understand the overall implications to college sports, we will adjust sports wagering and championship policies to align with the direction from the court," Donald Remy, NCAA chief legal officer said.