Photos: What would NBA's proposed 'nickname jerseys' look like?

The NBA is planning to introduce "nickname jerseys," like these looks for the Heat's LeBron James. (

The NBA reportedly has plans to introduce "nickname jerseys" for a select few games during the 2013-14 season.
The Associated Press reports that Miami and Brooklyn have been identified as teams that could potentially wear the uniforms, which would sport a player's preferred nickname rather than his last name.
Some members of the Miami Heat have been told the NBA is considering having them and the Brooklyn
wear "nickname jerseys'' in at least one of their four matchups this season. The NBA has not announced the plan, but teams apparently have been aware of the likelihood of it happening for at least several weeks.
"It shows growth in our league and it shows we do adapt to what's going on around us,'' said [Ray] Allen, the Heat guard who plans to wear Shuttlesworth on his jersey, a nod to his character from the "He Got Game'' film. "And we're still kids, playing a kids' game. Even though we're now men playing a kids' game, we still remember where we come from. Everybody had a nickname and it's a way to let the fans in a little bit more.''
Players were asked to submit what names they would want on the jerseys.
Four-time NBA MVP LeBron James is expected to wear "King James.''
Marketing gimmicks don't get much more shameless than this, and the nickname jersey is pretty much the perfect wedge issue to differentiate NBA fans into "purist" and "new-school" groups. Traditionalists will react in horror, much as they did when the Warriorsunveiled their sleeved jerseys last season; more open-minded observers will assert that the move is all in good fun, and it will appear to the league's younger fans.
Count me among the simplicity-seeking, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" crowd, but it's worth taking a gander at what these "nickname jerseys" would look like if they do indeed come to fruition. Below, find a gallery of The Point Forward's Top 10 players of 2014, with possible "nickname jerseys" options for each player. The jerseys were created using the Store's custom jersey tool.
Note: the jersey design tool currently does not allow numbers or hyphens within last names and limits all names to 12 characters. Obviously, nicknames like "CP3" and "D12" would not have the numbers spelled out.
Photos: What would NBA's proposed 'nickname jerseys' look like?

LeBron James' home white Miami Heat nickname jersey with "King James" on the back. (

Kobe Bryant's road yellow Los Angeles Lakers nickname jersey with "Vino" on the back. (

Kobe Bryant's home white Los Angeles Lakers nickname jersey with "Black Mamba" on the back. (

Dwyane Wade's home white Miami Heat nickname jersey with "Three" on the back. (

Dwyane Wade's red alternate Miami Heat nickname jersey with "D Wade" on the back. (

Dwight Howard's home white Houston Rockets nickname jersey with "Superman" on the back. (

Dwight Howard's road red Houston Rockets nickname jersey with "D Twelve" on the back. (

Tim Duncan's gray alternate San Antonio Spurs nickname jersey with "Timmy" on the back. (

Tim Duncan's home white San Antonio Spurs nickname jersey with "Big Fundamental" on the back. (

Russell Westbrook's road blue Oklahoma City Thunder nickname jersey with "Sasha Fierce" on the back. (

Russell Westbrook's home white Oklahoma City Thunder nickname jersey with "Wolverine" on the back. (

Tony Parker's gray alternate San Antonio Spurs nickname jersey with "TP" on the back. (

Chris Paul's road red Los Angeles Clippers nickname jersey with "CP Three" on the back. (

Kevin Durant's navy blue alternate Oklahoma City Thunder nickname jersey with "Durantula" on the back. (

Kevin Durant's road blue Oklahoma City Thunder nickname jersey with "KD" on the back. (

LeBron James' alternate red Miami Heat nickname jersey with "King James" on the back. (

LeBron James' road black Miami Heat nickname jersey with "King James" on the back. (

Carmelo Anthony's road blue New York Knicks jersey with "Melo" on the back. (
It doesn't take much play-testing to realize that this concept works way, way better with players that have well-established, quick nicknames. As much as it pains me to admit this, substituting "Melo" for Anthony or "Vino" for Bryant doesn't look terrible. The same concept works for Spanish players like Ricky Rubio or Marc Gasol, who might prefer to go soccer-style and use their first names as they do for the Spanish National Team.
The nickname jersey look is less successful for guys who are using only initials -- "KD" or "TP" -- or have long nicknames, a la Duncan's "Big Fundamental." It kind of works for "CP3" and "D12," assuming the numerals are used rather than spelling out the numbers. It's not a home run, though, simply because the numbers are already right below the name. Kinda redundant.
Finally, for a guy like Russell Westbrook who still lacks a go-to moniker, the concept is a total bust. The Oklahoman has pushed to nickname him "Wolverine" and Kevin Durant once joked that he calls his teammate "Sasha Fierce," but those names clearly fall flat here because they aren't synonymous with the All-Star point guard. Westbrook might actually be best served here by simply going without a name above his number; that actually seems like something he might do, just to be different.
The hit/miss ratio for this concept isn't great, even from this sample of the very biggest and most famous superstars. That's before we get started down the obvious slippery slopes: "Should third-string point guards even be allowed to participate in this gimmick?" and "How often does a nickname actually have to be used, and by how many people, for it to be considered a legitimate nickname?"