Ex-UVA Star Malcolm Brogdon Speaks Passionately on Charlottesville

Milwaukee Bucks guard Malcolm Brogdon, a University of Virginia alumnus, spoke with SI Now on Wednesday and discussed a range of political topics pertaining to the events that took place in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend.
Brogdon shared his thoughts on the white supremacist and neo-Nazi activity and violence that took place on UVA’s campus. One woman was killed and several people were injured after a white nationalist deliberately drove his car into a crowd.
Brogdon also took a stance on the “stick to sports” trope commonly levied at athletes by those who don’t share their political opinions.
“I think it’s extremely offensive. I think it puts us in a bubble. I think it simply implies that because were athletes we don’t have a say, we don’t have an opinion, or we don’t have the educational background to comment on things outside of sports,” Brogdon said. “I just think it’s absurd. I encourage all athletes to speak out if they're comfortable to do it. I think it's our duty, i don't think it's something we really have a choice to do. If you have a platform, you should speak out. It’s the morally right thing to do.”
Brogdon also supported LeBron James’s use of his own Twitter platform to take a stance and weighed in on Charlottesville from a place of experience, calling the violent demonstrations by white nationalist groups “domestic terrorism.”
Watch the whole video above.