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Kings’ Garrett Temple Attends Matt Barnes-Led Rally for Stephon Clark in Sacramento

Former NBA player Matt Barnes organized a rally in support of Stephon Clark in Sacramento. 

Former NBA player Matt Barnes organized a rally on Saturday in Sacramento in support of Stephon Clark, the unarmed black man shot and killed by police in the city earlier this month. 

Current Kings guard Garrett Temple was among those in attendance. Warriors head coach Steve Kerr, whose team plays the Kings later Saturday in Sacramento, told his players they were free to attend the gathering, though they are reportedly not expected to be there

Officers fired at least 20 shots at Clark, who they incorrectly believed to be holding a weapon (it was actually his phone). He was struck eight times, mostly from the back, an autopsy released Friday showed.

The Kings’ home arena has been the site of protests over the shooting, with protesters blocking the entrances before two recent games. In response, the team has partnered with Black Lives Matter Sacramento. 

Barnes, a former Kings player and Sacramento native, also attended Clark’s funeral on Thursday.