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The early returns of the partnership of Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard on the Milwaukee Bucks have been lukewarm at best. While many expected the star power of the two all-time greats to overwhelm foes on a nightly basis, that has not been the case. According to a report from Adam Fromal of Bleacher Report, the combination has been a "disappointment" and has not lived up to the hype.

Lillard has not looked comfortable

Whether it’s a case of trying too hard to fit in or simply having difficulty developing chemistry on the court, Dame has not looked comfortable on the Bucks. He has also missed two games due to a calf injury—the Bucks lost both games—which has not helped the team’s cause.

Through seven games, Lillard is averaging just 24 points on 40% shooting, including an abysmal 29% from three.

“A balky calf has already knocked Lillard out of action for two games, and he's struggled to find his all-world shooting stroke when he's been in the lineup. He hasn't exactly looked comfortable next to Antetokounmpo thus far, either,” Fromal wrote.

Additionally, a small sample size of the minutes Giannis and Lillard have played together so far shows that the Bucks have a negative net rating.

“The two megastars have spent 148 minutes on the court together—a far cry from the total they'll eventually post, which is an important caveat as they continue to feel one another out—and the returns have been rather disappointing. Scoring 103.6 points per 100 possessions and ceding 108.5, they've posted a distinctly negative net rating,” Formal explained.

They’ll figure it out

When all is said and done, this rough stretch for the duo is likely just a bump in the road. Over time, it’s reasonable to expect that the two will begin to click and give fans an even better glimpse of their potential when they share the court together.

“In all likelihood, this will be retroactively viewed as a mere blip on the radar,” Fromal added.

“Two players this talented—and with complementary skill sets—will figure it out as they spend more time together.”