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Since time immemorial, fans tend to gravitate to those teams that employ the league’s brightest stars. Whether it was Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls, Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant on the Los Angeles Lakers, or LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh on the Miami Heat, the NBA’s best teams are often the most likely to draw a crowd.

A new report has identified a new “most watchable” team in the NBA: the Milwaukee Bucks. Led by superstars Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard, the Bucks’ games as pegged as must-see TV this season.

League’s best duo

Although Giannis and Lillard have yet to play in a regular season game, their partnership is already being hailed as the NBA’s best duo. Antetokounmpo is a two-time MVP and Defensive Player of the Year, while Dame is one of the league’s greatest scorers with an impressive shooting ability.

Together, they form a formidable force capable of taking any team to new heights.

“Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard are the best duo in the NBA, with their continued chemistry only adding to their watchability with the Bucks this season,” Greg Swartz of Bleacher Report wrote.

“After a three-year hiatus from his MVP awards and a two-year break from winning an NBA title, Antetokounmpo should be more motivated than ever to prove himself as the league's best player this season, destroying anyone and anything in his path. The 28-year-old is the league's most dominant force given his combination of strength, athleticism and mobility.”

Entertaining style

With Giannis plowing through defenses and Lillard draining threes, the Bucks are ready to take their entertainment value to new heights. The Greek Freak is known for his thunderous dunks, and Damian has established a reputation for hitting clutch long-range shots beyond the arc. This year will be no different as they work together in tandem to bring excitement every time they step on the court.

“Giving Antetokounmpo the most spacing he's ever received with Lillard now on the roster is like giving Godzilla a jet pack and setting him loose on Tokyo. Teams are going to have to double Antetokounmpo in the paint, meaning we're going to see a lot of open threes rain down from Lillard, Brook Lopez, Khris Middleton and others,” Swartz surmised.

“Few players play with the type of flair and confidence Lillard does as well, as the seven-time All-Star can get red-hot from all areas of the floor,” Swartz added.

“The Bucks are going to be awesome this season, with the world tuning in to see Lillard in a new environment for the first time in his NBA career.”