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Patrick Williams' fourth season in the Association revolves around the word “aggressiveness.” After starting the season slow with the Chicago Bulls, Williams suddenly found revival with his newfound vigor and confidence. He went on to help the Bulls get a 5-3 record even in the absence of Zach LaVine.

In Chicago's close defeat against the Miami Heat on Saturday, Patrick didn't allow his poor start to fully dictate his entire night. Amid taking early foul troubles, he finished strong with 28 points, seven rebounds and four assists while providing solid effort offensively and defensively.

Consistency is the key

Aggressiveness has been what coach Billy Donovan continues to ask from Williams. But with consistency, the 22-year-old will even be more great on a nightly basis.

Donovan believes that Pat has all the tools to attain steadiness in his craft, which will tremendously help the Bulls’ desire for more victories. Even on a bad offensive night, he argued that Williams can still make different impacts with his well-rounded traits.

“With younger players, you don’t want to play in a wide gap where there are these drastic differences. Whether he makes shots or misses shots, it’s the aggressiveness. And he clearly on Thursday night wasn’t as aggressive as he was (Saturday). And we gotta get him to be consistent doing that,” Donovan said. “He’s gotta own that. When he does what he does (Saturday), he’s a huge boost to our team.

“But you want to stay away from those large gaps where it’s like, ‘Who are we getting night to night?’ Patrick can control that force and aggressiveness. That’s all we need consistently from him. And I think he’s capable of doing that.”

Capable to do it all

So far, Williams is averaging 9.4 points, 4.2 rebounds, 1.4 assists, 1 steal, and 0.9 blocks in 26.6 minutes of appearance for 27 games.

Donovan desires Williams to keep his head high and continue contributing in whatever areas he can with such consistency.

“He's obviously had some great moments. I think it all starts with the force he plays with. And there’s so much he can get into the game on a nightly basis whether he’s making or missing shots,” Donovan said. “For him, the offensive rebounding, running the floor, attacking the basket, deflections defensively, the consistency of that is what’s important. He’s capable.”