Lou Williams Reveals The Truth About Infamous Jack Harlow Situation

Most NBA fans know the Lemmon Pepper Lou story by now. After exiting the NBA bubble to attend a funeral, then LA Clippers guard Lou Williams stopped by Magic City in Atlanta for some food before heading home, where he ran into rapper Jack Harlow. The two took a masked photo together, which went viral on the internet, landing Lou a 10-day quarantine upon returning to the bubble.
Lou has shared his side of the story before, but the NBA's all-time leading bench scorer recently provided some additional insight into what happened that night. In an appearance on The Knuckleheads podcast, Lou said, "The truth of it is, I came home to go to a funeral, I left the wake, the wake was like two blocks from Magic [City], if ya'll know culture, if ya'll know Atlanta, this is where we eat. That's where we eat... That's one of the city's favorite restaurants, this is where we eat."
"It's 5:00 in the afternoon," Lou said. "We thinking we doing the responsible thing. Come in, order my food, grab a drink, wait for my food, we go way in the corner, we chilling, mask on... Jack [Harlow] walk in." Lou said he congratulated Harlow on having the #1 track at that time, and agreed to take a picture with him since the two were both masked up.
"Jack ask me, he like yo can I take a picture? I'm like ya, we got our mask on. That's what I said to him... take the picture, don't think nothing of it, my food come, his food come, I said I'll see you later bro, and I'm gone. I'm in the house. So then everybody's imagination running wild, I'm partying this and that, it wasn't none of that."
Given the timing of things, Lou's story has always checked out; however, the unfortunate narrative continues to be that he was irresponsibly partying when he was supposed to be at a funeral. Having set the record straight numerous times now, Lou admits he's content with reclaiming the Lemmon Pepper Lou nickname as an endearing term, having previously disliked it.