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Patrick Beverley sets his goals inside NBA bubble: 'Win NBA Championship'

Patrick Beverley is locking in for a championship run.

The LA Clippers are exactly two weeks away from their quest to win an NBA championship. Being inside of a bubble isn't exactly the most ideal of situations, but it's the hand that every team has been dealt. Patrick Beverley isn't letting anything distract him from that goal.

Beverley listed his goals inside the bubble on his Instagram story:

  • "Get closer to God
  • Win NBA Championship
  • I'm a offensive killer. Go EAT
  • Control your thoughts. Only positivity"

Each of his goals were put on his desk as Post-it notes. Each one is a legitimate reminder that every NBA player can use during their time in the bubble. This will be the first time in their careers that they have three months to get closer to their teammates, and themselves. 

Patrick Beverley previously said "the bubble is what you make it," and that's exactly what he's doing now. Some players have already come into the bubble with negative thoughts, criticizing the food they're eating, or room they're staying in. This is a moment for players to humble themselves.

Playing the next three months inside of the Orlando bubble will require as much mental dedication, as it does physical dedication. Within the first week, some players have already been placed in quarantine after breaking protocol. Some players like Giannis Antetokounmpo have stressed that winning a championship this season deserves extra praise, because of that mental pressure.

During the next three months, fans will see the mental fortitude of players pushed to their limits. Those who truly want to win will shine through, focus on the positive, and make the bubble a chance to be something greater.