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Memphis Grizzlies Fans Quarantine Chronicles: Part 6

For essential workers on the frontline, the COVID-19 pandemic hits differently.  For local videographer and hospital employee Michael Butler Jr, there is a blurred line between non-essential and essential.  He has found a way to blend the bleak reality of one profession with the hope and optimism of another.
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For essential workers on the frontline, the COVID-19 pandemic hits differently. For local videographer and hospital employee  Michael Butler Jr, there is a blurred line between non-essential and essential. He has found a way to combine the bleak reality of one profession with the hope and optimism of another.

Butler Jr, a local sports enthusiast and advocate for all things Memphis related, works fulltime for a local hospital so he is there on the frontline daily doing his part to battle the COVID-19 pandemic locally. He sees patients up close - close enough that it hurts sometimes.

"Working in a hospital and being essential is bittersweet," said Butler Jr. "I’m thankful that I’m able to still be able to go to work each day because millions of Americans don’t have that luxury. I also love helping others, but I also get to see some of our patient’s last moments. I see the family’s reactions and there’s little I can do to comfort them. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m also witnessing people dying alone but to restrictions on who can be in the rooms with infected patients. The thought of a loved one suffering alone while waiting in a lobby really hurts my heart. Each day I go in and that is on my mind. It’s a hard pill to swallow."


Michael misses local sports.  As a credentialed photographer and videographer, he has been as close to the field of play capturing memorable moments with his sports teams as he has been to the battlefield in the hospital. 

"Since sports are gone, I’ve actually been more productive and active," said Butler Jr. "I cook a lot more and I have more time to do other things. Sports didn’t really cause me not to do any of that but now I just have a lot more free time."


Michael has also found a way to combine his two experiences into one lately as he is working on a video series that captures the pandemic from the eyes of the city of Memphis.  Butler places his heart in the videos from being an essential employee as well as his unique and captivating artistry and love for his home town.

"As far as my projects, I’ve focused my feelings about the pandemic squarely on my video production," said Butler Jr. "I have a 5 part COVID series I’m working on now. Part 1 is out now and part 2 will be out very shortly. I’ve had to get very creative with creating distance in my sets but overall it’s been very therapeutic. I get to take my mind off the hospital."

Part One Of Michael Butler Jr.'s COVID-19 Video Series - "Empty"

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- Anthony Sain - Memphis Grizzlies Beat Writer and Lead Editor For Sports Illustrated's All

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