Lakers News: Former Champion Regrets Departing LA in Free Agency

Why he regrets leaving the Lakers.
Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
In this story:

Former Los Angeles Lakers center Dwight Howard revealed that he regrets leaving the Lakers in free agency after his first stint with the team from 2012-13. Howard, who began with his career with the Orlando Magic after the team drafted him No. 1 overall in 2004, was traded to the Lakers prior to the start of the 2012-13 season.

Following the end of the season, which saw Howard dealing with several injuries, the Lakers offered him a five-year, $118 million contract. Howard turned it down, and then signed with the Houston Rockets in July.

"It was a difficult decision. Looking back on it, man, I made an emotional decision,” Howard said Above the Rim with DH 12. “It was real emotional, and I heard that wasn’t good ... That's the one thing I wish I could go back and be like, 'let me make this decision wisely, weigh everything out.' I don’t think I weighed my decision really well at the time. My emotions got the best of me because I was on this emotional low already from having to leave Orlando, coming to the Lakers, and us not succeeding."

The opportunity to play with a young James Harden was a big factor that drew Howard to the Rockets.

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Looking back though, Howard recognizes that he could have been more patient with the Lakers, and potentially become a much better player had he stayed with Kobe Bryant for longer.

Howard wound up returning to the Lakers in 2019, when he helped them win a championship with the team in 2020. He'd leave again, and returned for his final stint with the Lakers in 2021-2022. Between his stints with the Lakers, he played for the Rockets, Atlanta Hawks, Charlotte Hornets, Washington Wizards, and Philadelphia 76ers.

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Eva Geitheim


Eva graduated from UCLA in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in Communication. She has been covering college and professional sports since 2022.