Lakers: LeBron James Nominated For Terrible Award in Cinema For Space Jam 2

If we can take away anything from Space Jam 2, it's that LeBron James is very very good at basketball. Acting? Maybe not so much in his strengths category. While the movie clearly instilled some nostalgia for fans and their 79 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating, the critics tore it apart.
And to be fair, Bron had a lot on his massive shoulders with trying to compare to the original Space Jam. It was such a classic that any reboot was destined for a lot of negative feedback. But the Lakers star caught a lot of heat despite the movie's financial success.
But Bron still is not hearing the end of his performance. Most recently, he was nominated for a Razzie Award for his performance on Space Jam: A New Legacy. The Razzie is a parody award handed out to some of the worst performances in cinema every year.
Bron got the nod as a nomination this year under Worst Acting Performance. He joins a list of other well-known names, most notable Mark Wahlberg for his role in the sci-fi thriller Infinite.
So while we might have seen the last of LeBron starring in movies, at least we'll always have this to look back on. And thankfully for the Lakers, he is a much better basketball player with career accolades that some of these actors won't ever sniff.