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The usual hierarchy of play calling goes from the coaches to the players right? Well don't tell LeBron James that.

In 2015, in one of the most pivotal moments of a crucial game, LeBron called his own number and created a play to take the game winning shot himself.

Here's how one of LeBron's former teammates remembers the play.

I mean come on! LeBron clearly wanted the ball in his hands, and is it even a question who you should give the ball to in that situation.

The key to greatness lies on how you perform in big games. I mean everybody who's anybody has a game winner in the regular season, but the big names have them when it matters most; in the playoffs.

Just think about Jordan's shot against the Cavs, or Kobe seemingly every time he stepped on the court. The great ones are defined by the great moments they have.

According to StatMuse, James' field goal percentage in the 2015 playoffs was below 50%, sitting at 41.7, so the fact of the matter is that it wasn't really a sure fire thing that he was going to make the shot.

Haywood even said in the interview. 

"Bron had actually been playing terrible down the stretch of that game... turnovers, missed some shots, free throws. Terrible.

via ClutchPoints

Even with the struggles down the stretch of the game, you'd have to think that LeBron should've been the favorite to take that shot, not J.R. Smith.

Also, could LeBron possibly slide right into a coaching role once his playing days are over?

I mean he's had success calling at least one play in the league, why not give him a chance to call a game, maybe coach his kids?

What do you think, should LeBron be able to call his own plays every one in a while?