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The Los Angeles Police Department recently released an edited body camera video from the July 28 incident between New Orleans Pelicans Jaxson Hayes and police officers.

The incident occurred when Hayes girlfriend’s cousin called 911 to report that Hayes was being loud and violent and that the girlfriend was scared.

When the police first arrive, Hayes and the police engage in a calm discussion, with the officers asking questions in his driveway with his cousin nearby.

Things soon escalate when police gain access into the house to talk with his girlfriend, but Hayes is confused as to why he can’t enter the house and asks for a search warrant.

Two officers block Hayes when he tries to enter the front door, as one officer pushes Hayes back. Officers separate Hayes and his cousin, as Hayes shoves one officer into a wall near the front door. Hayes is tackled by officers as one officer takes out his Taser.

“Stop resisting or I’m gonna tase you!” the officer with the Taser yells, as another officer presses his hand and knee on Hayes’ neck.

Hayes can be heard gasping “I can’t breathe,” as his girlfriend runs outside and screams for the police to stop. Hayes is tased twice, once near his chest, and the second time near the back of his legs by his buttocks.

Another officer tells the police holding Hayes down to “get your knee up” as the officer quickly complies and Hayes is allowed to move his head up.

With George Floyd’s death caught on camera that incited an entire global movement, there is heightened sensitivity with how police use any type of force that restrict one’s ability to breathe.

The LAPD is looking into the matter and released a statement previously, “due to the possibility of force being applied to Hayes’ neck during the use of force” and the case is still pending.

A couple weeks ago, TMZ Sports acquired a copy of a letter, where the LAPD union is asking NBA commissioner Adam Silver to punish Hayes for the assault and calling officers the “N-word.”