NBA Fans Couldn't Believe ESPN Is Parting Ways With Veteran Writer Zach Lowe

ESPN is laying off Zach Lowe according to a report from The Athletic's Andrew Marchand. The response to the report has been swift and unified as fans, viewers and media members have all been left scratching their heads in response to ESPN's latest personnel decision.
It's not just that Adrian Wojnarowki announced his retirement last week, it's that Lowe is widely regarded as one of the best basketball writers working in 2024. The news that ESPN is letting him go was met with shock, annoyance and pure wonder about what ESPN was thinking.
The good news is that most people are optimistic that Lowe will be picked up very, very quickly. With NBA rights moving around there are a lot of possibilities. So he's got that going for him, which is nice.
Here's a collection of some of the more notable reactions to the news.
Last year, I put together this list of people who've left ESPN. In the last two weeks, we added Zach and Woj.
— Bryan Curtis (@bryancurtis) September 26, 2024
I can't imagine another media company shedding this much talent.
Zach will find a home fro sure, one of the very best writers and NBA analysts in the space, big fumble from ESPN.
— Haralabos Voulgaris (@haralabob) September 26, 2024
Woj salary came off the books and ESPN still chose to get rid of Zach Lowe. Strategy clearly is broadcast rights first, a few recognizable personalities who will do endless GOAT discussions, and just enough journalism to keep ESPN relevant.
— Max Tani (@maxwelltani) September 26, 2024
“We had too much basketball in our basketball coverage so…”
— Anchorage Man (@SethPartnow) September 26, 2024
If this is true, it is galactically stupid.
— Dan Devine (@YourManDevine) September 26, 2024
laying off their one NBA employee who actually wants to talk about basketball and enjoys watching it is a bold move
— Tyler Conway (@jtylerconway) September 26, 2024
Best sportswriter in the game. This is a wild decision.
— Andrew Callahan (@_AndrewCallahan) September 26, 2024
ESPN is just going to be Pat McAfee & Stephen A Smith screaming at each other on a loop here pretty soon.
— Justin Michael (@JustinTMichael) September 26, 2024
whenever you can lay off one of the best basketball writers in the game you gotta do it
— Jordan Zirm (@JordanZirm) September 26, 2024
I'm just a country NBA fan and ex-media reporter, but ... I think Lowe operated wonderfully as a sort of loss leader in front of the paywall, helping all of us be better NBA fans --> consuming more ESPN, and was less of a fit behind that specific paywall
— marc tracy (@marcatracy) September 26, 2024
ESPN has made decisions that were less popular in the past. It's just hard to remember one right now.