Ben Simmons Gives Concerning Update on Knee Injury

The Brooklyn Nets have faced lots of difficulty in putting point-forward Ben Simmons in the best situations for both parties throughout the regular season. To make matters more difficult, his left knee soreness has become even more worrisome.
The team has downgraded Simmons to out due to the left knee soreness. The struggling three-time NBA All-Star has also been ruled out for Sunday's game against the Atlanta Hawks, per Nets head coach Jacque Vaughn.
Simmons, who stated that he hasn't felt 100 percent at any point this season, is currently in a "strengthening phase" for his knee soreness. While speaking to reporters in the locker room pregame on Friday evening, he disclosed that he expects to be re-evaluated in about a week.
What makes Simmons' knee soreness more worrisome, beyond the fact he's dealt with the injury sporadically this season, is that he got his knee drained recently and received a PRP injection.
When all matters are considered, Brooklyn has no plans to shut their point-forward down for the remainder of the season. When Vaughn was asked whether that has been a possibility, he responded "zero."
Including Friday's game vs. the Bulls, Simmons has missed a total of 17 games this season. All 17 games have been due to injuries. At the beginning of the regular season, the team was injury-managing the point forward coming off his off-season back surgery.
When Simmons first battled knee soreness this season, he explained that the injury is correlated to his off-season back surgery and the heavy load he was playing in the first quarter of the regular season.
Simmons is averaging 6.9 points, 6.3 rebounds, 6.1 assists, and 1.3 steals per game this season.