Skip Bayless Laments Poor Shooting During NBA Celebrity Game With Archival Footage

Give the man a chance next year.
Skip Bayless lines one up from downtown.
Skip Bayless lines one up from downtown. / Skip Bayless on X

As Team Rice and Team Bonds slugged it out in an NBA All-Star Celebrity Game where points were at a premium, one celebrity made a personal plea to be included next time in the interest of raising the collective shooting percentage.

Skip Bayless, now 73 but no less committed to his fitness, shared some archival footage of himself shooting unguarded jumpers in some gym, helpfully informing everyone that this sizzle reel is no more than a year-and-a-half old.

"As I watch the embarrassing shooting in tonight's Celebrity Game, I wonder again why I was never asked to participate," Bayless wrote. "Scared of me? Haha."

Two things. One, those responsible for securing the celebrities who suit up for this amazing event next year need to extend Bayless an offer and then whoever coaches him needs to stubbornly play him a full 40 minutes just to see what happens. And also, perhaps more importantly, it's way to hard to find a box score of the celebrity game.

Bayless is probably correct that there was some poor shooting but without official stats, who is to really say? Seems like a missed opportunity to not have a detailed accounting of whatever it was that just happened out there. It's so hard to keep track of what Druski did or did not contribute or get a handle on Kai Cenat's plus-minus.

Something to also consider for next year.

More on the 2025 NBA All-Star Game

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Kyle Koster

Kyle Koster is an assistant managing editor at Sports Illustrated covering the intersection of sports and media. He was formerly the editor in chief of The Big Lead, where he worked from 2011 to '24. Koster also did turns at the Chicago Sun-Times, where he created the Sports Pros(e) blog, and at Woven Digital.