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Laker fans haven't been happy this season, and it's been very well known all over the internet. They didn't just make it known online though, they let the players on the court know as well - particularly LeBron James.

After LeBron James threw a turnover while the Lakers were down 19 points against the New Orleans Pelicans, fans began booing him. Warriors forward Draymond Green was incredibly unhappy with that, and let people know on The Draymond Green Show.

"I thought that was pathetic," Draymond said. "I thought it was extremely pathetic, and like I said, I thought it was very distasteful from a fanbase of an organization that has the most championships in the NBA."

Draymond didn't just call it pathetic, he also called the fans spoiled for booing LeBron. Mainly because the Lakers just won a championship about two years ago.

 "Let's not be like spoiled brats," Draymond said. "It's okay to be spoiled, like ya, you can 100% be spoiled, we all get spoiled by things at times at one point in our life or another, but let's not be brats. That was about as bratty as something I've seen. Considering that this team just won a championship not even a full two years ago. And now you're booing? I thought it was utterly ridiculous."

Laker fans have always had a history of being wishy-washy with LeBron James. From the moment he arrived, he was having murals vandalized. Even after winning the team a championship, those same fans seem to be the ones that quickly forget.

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