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Former NBA All-Star Reacts to Viral Steph Curry Video

Steph Curry's motivational video inspired even former players.

Whenever Steph Curry talks, people listen - even former NBA players. Curry recently spoke in a viral video where he spoke with teenagers about the importance of not holding the basketball. The video gathered one million views in two days on Twitter because of the advice he gave.

“If you held the ball for 1 second it’s a grenade and it blew up," Curry said. "So think about that, I only have .5 seconds to make a decision..that’s when the dominos begin to fall."

The video was so viral that it even garnered a reaction from former NBA All-Star Isaiah Thomas. 

"Trainers teaching these kids to DRIBBLE DRIBBLE DRIBBLE," Thomas said. "When they can’t even do that when they play… one of the GREATS telling what it really is and how to really play. Listen up."

One of the most underrated aspects of Steph Curry's game is his ability to move without the basketball. While many remember him for his shooting, Curry has a great shot selection because of his ability to move without the ball. He's always moving, always looking for the best spot, and then takes the quickest shot possible as a result. If he isn't shooting, then Curry is sneakily finding his way to the rim for a crafty layup. His game always has a certain level of intent, where he's not just dribbling to dribble.

If there was one player these kids should listen to about dribbling, it's Steph Curry.

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