Harrowing Footage of Dan Orlovsky Eating a Peanut Butter Cup Raises Serious Questions

What in the world?
Dan Orlovsky negotiates tasty snack.
Dan Orlovsky negotiates tasty snack. / Ryan Clark on X

ESPN NFL analyst Dan Orlovsky has put together one of the more interesting eating careers ever documented in public life. He spoke about some of them on the SI Media Podcast with Jimmy Traina last year, but it turns out there was plenty left on the table as new idiosyncrasies continue to emerge.

The latest, as documented and shared by Orlovsky's NFL Live colleague Ryan Clark, is the strangest among a strange lot. Close your eyes and imagine the many ways a person could eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, then click below to have your mind blown.

This is the type of process that would get a kid booted from a middle school lunch room. And Orlovsky is doing it in a place of business! How could anyone be expected to break down the keys to Super Bowl LIX under these conditions?

There are so many questions to address. The first is why? The second is why? The third is: what about just buying peanut butter, which is sold separately? And finally, did the famous commercial about there being no wrong way to eat a Reese's ever conceive that someone would find a wrong way?

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Kyle Koster

Kyle Koster is an assistant managing editor at Sports Illustrated covering the intersection of sports and media. He was formerly the editor in chief of The Big Lead, where he worked from 2011 to '24. Koster also did turns at the Chicago Sun-Times, where he created the Sports Pros(e) blog, and at Woven Digital.