That ’70s Strike

That ’70s Strike
The ’74 Hall of Fame Game between the Bills and Cardinals featured teams of rookies, free agents and nobodies. The game’s best back, fresh off the first 2,000-yard season, was a no-show. (John Iacono/Sports Illustrated)

Under the slogan “No Freedom, No Football,“ players were seeking an end to the Rozelle Rule limiting their free agency, among 63 demands. (Neil Leifer/Sports Illustrated)

Vikings defensive tackle Alan Page, NFLPA president Bill Curry and Oilers quarterback Dan Pastorini were among the striking players. (John Iacono/Sports Illustrated)

One young fan stood in shirtless solidarity. (Walter Iooss Jr./Sports Illustrated)

Though the players preached unity, several hundred had already crossed the picket lines and joined their teams a month into the strike. (Walter Iooss Jr./Sports Illustrated)

Members of other unions turned up in support of the players. (John Iacono/Sports Illustrated)

Alumni, however, felt the union was being "led astray" and set up their own pickets. (John Iacono/Sports Illustrated)

“Football’s Forgotten Men”? Many of the issues that day continue to resonate. (John Iacono/Sports Illustrated)

Comedian Redd Foxx was Grand Marshal of the 1974 parade; Night Train Lane, one of that year’s inductees, had served as Foxx's manager. (Neil Leifer/Sports Illustrated)

A player and an alum debate the issues. (John Iacono/Sports Illustrated)

Despite being played by scrubs, the game attracted more than 17,000 fans. (John Iacono/Sports Illustrated)

The crowd might not have been fully behind the striking players, but that didn’t mean an autograph was out of the question. (Neil Liefer/Sports Illustrated)

Page, who would be inducted into the Hall himself in 1988, looks on. (Neil Leifer/Sports Illustrated)

Bystanders and -sitters seemed more bemused than partisan. (Walter Iooss Jr./Sports Illustrated)

Bills legends, for a day at least. (Walter Iooss Jr./Sports Illustrated)

For some, it would be their only NFL action. But they made it to Canton! (Walter Iooss Jr./Sports Illustrated)

The guys in red beat the guys in white 21–13, but the real losers were the striking players, who returned to work shortly afterward with none of their demands met. It would be nearly two decades before real free agency was achieved. (Neil Leifer/Sports Illustrated)

Despite the failure of the strike, Roy Jefferson (right), then Washington’s player rep, believes the groundwork was laid for the massive contracts of today. (Neil Leifer/Sports Illustrated)
