Petition filed seeking protection for Adrian Peterson's son

A petition was filed in a Minnesota court Friday seeking protection for the 4-year-old son of Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson.
The petition asks the court for a safety plan that includes Peterson not having any unsupervised or unauthorized contact with the child, and him not using any “corporal punishment and/or physical discipline.” It also asks for Peterson to complete a valid parenting assessment and follow all recommendations.
The document was filed at 1:45 p.m. CT in Hennepin County Juvenile court.
On Sept. 12, Peterson was indicted on a felony charge of injury to a child for hitting his 4-year old son with a tree branch as a method of discipline. Early Saturday morning, Peterson turned himself in. He was released after posting a $15,000 bond.
The running back was deactivated by the Vikings before Sunday's loss to the New England Patriots, but on Monday the team released a statement saying Peterson was expected to play this Sunday against the New Orleans Saints.
On Wednesday, the team placed the running back on the Exempt/Commissioner's Permission list, which means Peterson cannot participate in team activities until his legal proceedings are resolved.
- Sarah Barshop