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Why Is O.J. Simpson In Prison?

O.J. Simpson has been in prison since 2008.

O.J. Simpson is in prison for conspiracy to commit a crime, conspiracy to commit kidnapping, conspiracy to commit robbery, burglary while in possession of a deadly weapon, two counts of first-degree kidnapping with a deadly weapon, two counts of robbery with use of a deadly weapon and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon.

Here's how it happened: In September of 2007, Simpson attacked two men in a Las Vegas hotel room to retrieve sports memorabilia that he claims was stolen from his home in 1995. On Oct. 3, 2008, exactly 13 years after he was acquitted in his murder trial, Simpson was found guilty and sentenced to 33 years in prison, with a nine-year minimum.

In front of a parole board in July 2013, Simpson said he regretted the 2007 incident and added that he had been counseling other inmates who came to him for help. The Nevada Parole Board said Simpson was a low risk for repeat offenses and granted him parole on five of his 10 charges, but he still remained in prison.

This summer, O.J. Simpson is up for parole. How good are his chances of getting out of prison?

Simpson's next parole hearing will take place at 1 p.m. EST Thursday and can be seen on TV and online. If he is granted parole, Simpson can be released as early as Oct. 1.

In February, Sports Illustrated's Michael McCann and Jon Wertheim reported that it seems likely that Simpson will be granted parole.