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Dick's Sporting Goods in Eagles Country Selling Ref Shirts as Patriots Gear

The store is Dick's Sporting Goods in Burlington Township, 25 miles from Philadelphia. 

Everyone's favorite new conspiracy theory is that the NFL not only doesn't hate the Patriots, but the refs actively favor them. The fuel for this theory is the fact that New England was penalized just once in the AFC Championship Game while the Jaguars were penalized ten times. 

Eagles fans have been preaching this theory in the lead-up to  Super Bowl LII, and a Dick's Sporting Goods in Burlington Township, N.J.—roughly 25 miles from Philadelphia—is going as far as selling referee shirts as "Patriots team apparel." 

Nevermind that the league relentlessly battled the Patriots in that whole Deflategate scandal, which led to the suspension of Tom Brady for four games. And nevermind that the Patriots are historically one of the most disciplined teams in the league. The fact that they had a few amount of penalties called on them is indisputable proof of collusion. 

If nothing else, Eagles fans have a ready-made excuse if their team can't pull the upset. Creatively planning ahead.