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Donald Trump Suggests Players Kneeling for Anthem Should Be Suspended for Entire Season

The president suggested NFL players should be suspended for the season with no pay if they kneel during the national anthem.

President Donald Trump thinks that NFL players should be suspended without pay for the entire season if they kneel during the national anthem.

Trump tweeted on Friday that he "can't belive" the debate over the national anthem is still ongoing.

"Isn't it in contract that players must stand at attention, hand on heart?" he tweeted. "$40,000,000 Commissioner must now make a stand. First time kneeling, out for game. Second time kneeling, out for season/no pay!"

Trump's comments come one day after the Associated Press reported that the Miami Dolphins could possibly be suspended up to four games for not standing during the anthem. The decision is part of a team policy in a "Proper Anthem Conduct" section in a nine-page discipline document for the team.

After the news of the Dolphins' policy spread, the NFL and NFLPA issued a joint statement Thursday night, saying that they had reached a "standstill agreement" on the national anthem policy.

On Friday, Dolphins owner Stephen Ross released a statement saying that the Dolphins "haven't made a decision" on their anthem policy.

Trump has been openly critical of players protesting police brutality and racial injustice since September, when his comments sparked the largest week of protesting during the anthem.

In June, Trump disinvited the Eagles from their White House visit for winning the Super Bowl after it was announced only a few players were scheduled to attend.

Players have been kneeling, sitting and raising fists during the national anthem in an effort to raise awareness for racial and social injustice in America since Colin Kaepernick took a knee before a preseason game in 2016.