AP Announces Major Change to NFL MVP Voting Process

Voters will now have the chance to vote for more players when deciding the award.

As the NFL MVP debate continues to unfold, there will be a significant change to the way writers vote for AP awards.

Starting this year, each voter will cast a ballot ranking their top five choices for MVP, while voters will rank their top three choices for every other award, the Associated Press announced.

“The essence of the AP NFL Awards remains the same—to recognize the top performers of the season,” AP Global Sports Editor Ricardo Zuniga said in the statement. “Our goal is to provide the voters with an accurate and fair voting system to reflect their preferences. These tweaks will help them in their selection process.”

Previously, all 50 voters of each award would just give one name for who they believe deserves the award. This way, voters can more easily decide who deserve second and third place for the awards, while also giving credit to some players who deserve recognition but aren’t the very best at their position during the season.

In total, eight awards are voted on by writers and will be presented at the end of the season. The NFL Honors show is scheduled for Feb. 9, 2023.

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