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NFL Content Creator Who Celebrated Tyreek Hill’s Backflip Selfie Says He Was Suspended for Season

Tyreek Hill had maybe the best touchdown celebration of the season in October when he took the phone from someone on the sideline and recorded himself doing a backflip against the Panthers. Hill was flagged for the play because players aren’t allowed to use props during touchdown celebrations and, apparently, the man on the sideline got an even harsher punishment. 

NFL content creator Kevin Fitzgibbons took to social media Tuesday to announce that the league has suspended him for the rest of the year and added could possibly be fired for celebrating with Hill. Fitzgibbons is credentialed by the NFL and is not allowed to celebrate or show fandom. In the video, Fitzgibbons, who is attending the University of Miami, even says that he and Hill are close personal friends. 

After Hill took the phone from Fitzgibbons and did his backflip, Fitzgibbons can be seen going along with it by pretending to take a picture of Hill with a make-believe camera and then jumped to celebrate before running into the locker room to send the video to the NFL. The CBS broadcast’s perspective on the celebration was posted on the NFL’s official account, but the video from Hill’s point of view was not.

“The NFL then let me know that I would be suspended for the remainder of the season and possibly for good,” Fitzgibbons said. “They said regardless if I knew the celebration was coming or not, I still had to be disciplined and that I shouldn’t have jumped on the sidelines after the play. 

“One of the best moment of my life turned upside down in a matter of seconds,” he continued. “I get why the NFL had to make this decision and wish I could’ve done something to prevent it, but I’m thankful for the memory that Tyreek gave me.”

The video that Fitzgibbons posted was shared on social media by Hill, who wrote alongside it, "I would comment but I could get fined."