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NFL Media Salutes Legendary Writer Peter King After Retirement Announcement

Longtime NFL journalist Peter King announced his retirement from the industry, for now, on Monday morning.

“I’m retiring*. I use an asterisk because I truly don’t know what the future holds for me,” King wrote in a Football Morning in America piece. “I probably will work at something, but as I write this I have no idea what it will be. Maybe it will be something in the media world, but just not Football Morning in America (nee Monday Morning Quarterback).”

King provided four reasons as to why he felt like retirement was the right decision for him now. At 66, King wrote that “it’s time” to do something different. He also noted his family as one of the main reasons he’s retiring.

King said he hasn’t been able to watch a Super Bowl on TV in four decades because he’s worked the game in person since he was 27. He clarified that he isn’t complaining and that he’s very grateful, but he thinks it’s time to move on.

The legendary reporter worked for Sports Illustrated from 1989 to 2018 before he moved to NBC Sports.

Fellow NFL media members posted meaningful tributes and messages of gratitude to the legendary writer after his four decades in the industry.