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Brock Purdy Explains Why it’s OK to be a System Quarterback

Here's what he said on Tuesday about the merits of being a system quarterback.

LAKE LAS VEGAS -- Brock Purdy is incredibly self aware.

He seems himself as a gunslinger, but he recognizes that most people see him as system quarterback, and so he finds the positive in that label.

Here's what he said on Tuesday about the merits of being a system quarterback.

PURDY: "I feel like it can be a compliment sometimes. You get a guy who can come in and run the system well. So you're doing things right mentally and you're good enough to be able to hit guys who are open and make plays. There are 32 teams in the NFL and there are not a lot of people who can come in and play the quarterback position well. It's a hard job. If you're saying I'm a game manager because I'm not flashy in how I do it, that's your opinion and that's okay. At the end of the day I want to do what it takes to help my team win. Winning is the biggest and most important thing."

Q: How have you improved since last season?

PURDY: "Last year, there were times when situationally I was trying to make up stuff and do too much, getting out of the pocket early, scrambling, not going through reads. This year I feel like I took a step in terms of trusting the protection and checking the ball down and just being smart with the ball. Obviously there were games where I need to learn from that still and continue to be better, but trusting the pocket, going through reads, playing the position of quarterback well. I feel like that was a step for me this year."