Trey Lance Sends a (Not So Subtle) Subliminal Message
I am not privy to knowing how much influence the 49ers PR department has over what star rookie players wear to the post-game pressers. I’d like to think none and that these guys not only choose for themselves but with varying degrees of savvy.
On Sunday, I think we saw a clear example of a player using the visual subtext of their apparel to send a silent but loud appeal to the 49ers Fan Base.

In large letters, Lance’s shirt read simply: “Good Intentions." It was not clear from the context or font if this was some logo or brand or just some words that had been slapped onto a shirt by a brand, but the subtextual information was extremely evident.
What Lance was saying by wearing this shirt is, “I know there is a ton of pressure and high expectations from all of you guys, but please, no matter how I play for the first few games, please be patient with me and know that at all times I HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS.
Both on the field and at the presser podium, Lance seems confident and wise beyond his years in some moments and and almost Gosh-Golly in other moments that show his youth and relative inexperience at, frankly, all of this Being-in-the-NFL stuff.
I just love that while he must attempt to exude confidence thanks to the prototypical requirements of the Quarterback position, he is being asked to do so in a highly complex situation rife with nuances and pitfalls. So he can hardly come out in an interview or press conference and just SAY to the Fans, “Please give me the benefit of the doubt.” He can however, cleverly project that subliminal message loud and clear to both journalists, teammates and fans alike.

Overall we are being blessed with a supremely entertaining moment in the history of The Franchise. To see two QBs rotated between actual plays rather than drives felt both retroactive (1971 Cowboys) and revolutionary (in spite of what Coach Kyle said at halftime, might we not see this in the actual season?). While you can endlessly debate the “Who will/should start week 1?” I believe there are some genuine and relevant benefits to using both Quarterbacks that outweigh the downsides.
Though it’s evident that Coach Kyle would prefer to start his 3rd-pick-in-the-draft potential future Star, the locker-room (and perhaps the management) are emotionally and vocally behind Jimmy G. Thus, on top of the almost infinite options such a two QB offense would present to the Mad Scientist Mind of Coach K, this is a deft, zen-koan method of having his cake and playing it too. With both QBs on the field and both performing well, both sides of the fanbase may be appeased.
This is a delicate process however, putting Coach Kyle and his locker room on a form of emotional tight-rope. What if one QB starts to really shine? What if both of them play poorly?
Still, with the long balance pole of his excellent play calling and the genial, seemingly submissive personality of Jimmy G, it could be possible that we are entertained in a diverse and elaborate fashion for at least the first few games of the season.
In this midst of the unprecedented-in-this-century QB rotation we saw Sunday, it makes more sense than ever that we saw Lance come forward to the press conference with that blatant message across his chest.
Personally, in the same way that I am impatient with Garoppolo, who seems every more recalcitrant to evolve past his tragic flaws, I find that I have so far a deep well of patience for Lance. I for one believe that he very much has the Good Intentions to go along with his skill, talent and work ethic. I think those intentions might lead to him someday wearing a shirt that says “SUPERBOWL ____” on it (I don’t know what number it’s going to be but I am willing to be patient about finding out…)