ESPN's Bart Scott has a ridiculous take on NFL MVP race

This year's MVP race is far more controversial than in years past, at least that's how it seems if you listen to fans on social media and the talking heads across the national press. Lamar Jackson has the stats to show why he's deserving of the award, and Josh Allen's stats aren't anything to laugh at either, plus he's done things this season that no other quarterback has ever done, making him just as deserving. It would be wrong not to include Eagles running back Saquan Barkley. He's in pursuit of the league's all-time rushing record, currently held by Eric Dickerson with 2,105 yards. It's anyone's guess who will win the award.
The problem with all of this is some of the commentary that has come out regarding this race. A lot of it seems always scripted simply because there is no way some of these analysts and former players actually believe some of what they are saying. Case in point, ESPN's Bart Scott, who recently made his thoughts on the race public. Scott said, “If Josh Allen wins MVP and gets knocked out of the playoffs, he probably sees that as a successful season.” This might be the worst take of all time.
Credit to the fans, they let Scott know how they felt about his statement. Whether you believe the MVP should go to Allen or someone else, is certainly up for debate, but to say any player views winning an MVP over a Super Bowl win is simply ridiculous and poor journalism. In fairness, Scott isn't the only one with outlandish takes on this year's MVP race, but when Allen himself just a few weeks ago said, "We’re in the playoffs and have a chance to win the Super Bowl, that’s really all I care about", tells us that Scott isn't paying attention to what's going on, and instead sacrificing integrity for engagement and clickbait.