Why'd Buffalo Bills' O.J. Simpson & 'Terminator' Schwarzenegger Fill Al Michaels' Jets vs. Dolphins 'Black Friday'?
The New York Jets opened this NFL season with a stunning win over the Buffalo Bills. But since then - outside of injured QB Aaron Rodgers' drama-filled efforts to gain attention for himself - the AFC East non-contending Jets have been something of a non-compelling watch.
Amazon play-by-play announcer Al Michaels has been doing his job for a long time, so he of course knows how a TV guy has to prep for moments like this, in anticipation of a blowout, as was the case in the "Black Friday'' game, with the Miami Dolphins humiliating the Jets, 34-13.
And how to prep? Be ready to fill time with ... "stuff.'' Meaning, in Michaels' case, to unleash his awful Arnold Schwarzenegger impression and to tell viewers about his highly oblique reference to Bills Hall of Fame running back and ex-convict O.J. Simpson.
Here's Al on O.J., randomly noting that once upon a time they shared a Super Bowl broadcast booth ... with legendary Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry alongside.
Michaels, apropos of nothing, mentioned working the 49ers' 38-16 win over the Dolphins in Super Bowl XIX back on Jan. 20, 1985.
"By the way, you should know I did the pregame, halftime and postgame of that Super Bowl at Stanford Stadium," Michaels said. "My analysts were Tom Landry and O.J. Simpson.''
Interesting. Maybe? Weird. Kinda? But ... so what?
So, the game on the field sucked, that's so what.
Michaels offered up a similar for-no-reason anecdote when he mentioned that once upon a time he was doing "Monday Night Football'' with the Jets getting blown out ... when the bodybuilder/actor/politician Schwarzenegger - most famous for starring in the "Terminator'' movies - entered the broadcast area.
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"Schwarzenegger came into the booth ... and said, 'I guarantee the Jets will win the game,'" Michaels reenacted in his best Arnold voice. ... "and the Dolphins will be terminated.''
What was the point? Where was the fit? Why was any of this necessary? The answer? The Jets are why.